Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Greed's Penalty

The penalty of greed is the destruction of your
family. When you go down, you don't go down alone.

Achan thought that taking a few pieces of silver
and a garment was harmless. Not only did he die,
but his family and animals died also.

What a shame.

Greed destroys you and everyone you are connected

It is like a cancer that eats away at the soul.
Greed consumes you until you are blind to the
consequences of your actions.

There is always another rung on greed's ladder.
Those who lust after silver can never be satisfied
by silver.

Ironically, that which the greedy would give anything
to have, we gain for free as a gift from God.

In God's economy you lose in order to gain. Give
in order to receive.

If only the world could understand.......

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Greed and Success

Greed and Success

Greed is never satisfied. Hophni and Phinehas, the sons
of Eli, were destroyed by greed.

The reason greed is never satisfied is that human satisfaction
is not based on having but being. After all, we are human

If you derive your satisfaction and feelings of success from
your possessions, then you will never have enough possessions
to feel successful.

You will always be able to find someone who has more stuff than
you do.

Maybe that's why Paul warned against "...comparing ourselves
among ourselves." My measurement of success is not determined
by my brother's achievements.

My success is determined by how far I have come from where I

Maybe we would have many more happy saints and pastors if we
would stop looking into our neighbors backyard and desiring
what they have.

Maybe we need to stop trying to measure our success by theirs.

I have learned to be content in the state I am in.

Now, that's success!