Monday, August 4, 2008

Losing Weight

Losing weight...some shudder at the very mention
of these dreaded words.

Recently I have endeavored to change my lifestyle.
In the process, I have lost 19 pounds.

I can tell you that it's not easy. No more Dr. Peppers,
doughnuts, or double cheeseburgers.

I have come to the conclusion that it's easier to
maintain weight than to lose weight.

Moderate, haphazard exercise is all that is required.
Maybe eating less or drinking more water than coke.

But it's not as hard as losing weight.

Losing weight requires consistent, aggressive exercise.

Losing weight requires more than eating less. It
requires eating right. It requires commitment.
Lifestyle change.

Funny thing...the Bible talks about losing weight.

Lay aside every that you can properly
run the race.

How about you? Are you just maintaining or are you
losing weight?

Oh, it's much easier just to maintain. Low commitment,
little effort, small change.

One problem. I don't think you can finish the race
that way.

You see to lose weight requires great commitment, great
effort, and great change.

It even requires dedication that goes above and beyond the

Do you have what it takes?

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