Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Understand God?

Recently I stood beside the casket of a two month old baby.
There are very few times in my life that I wish I wasn't
a pastor.

This was one of them.

What do you say to a grieving mother and grandmother to
minister to them after a useless, preventable death?

What do you say when they ask the "Why did God allow this?"

I have done some thinking on this matter and I have concluded
that I don't want to understand God.

If I could understand God he wouldn't be much of a God. And
I need a big God. One who is greater and stronger than all
of my troubles.

Buddha can be easily understood by man for he is made by man.
Jehovah God is not a created being. He is just the great
"I Am".

So, the price that we pay for having a God we cannot under
stand is that sometimes he is going to allow things that hurt
us and we don't understand why.

At the point of the end of our understanding, trust must begin.
We must learn how to trust a God whose ways are past finding
out and whose riches are unsearchable.

We must hold tightly to his hand at all times, and trust him
to do His best for our lives.

Isn't trust what living for God is all about anyway?

You need a God you cannot understand.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

It is hard to understand. Its hard to accept. Its hard to look at and feel the pain of those suffering the loss. Thank God that God is bigger than any of us and HE sees the whole picture and HE is there to wipe our tears.

I agree with you Bro...I am glad that I can't understand God.
